Operation MInd: A Brief Documentary Account of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. And Why It Matters Now.
65 pages, paperback, 6.25 x 4.25″
May 2025
ISBN (Print) 978-1-964098-05-0
ISBN (Ebook) 978-1-964098-06-7
Natalie Zemon Davis and Elizabeth Douvan
Foreword by Silke-Maria Weineck
Foreword by Silke-Maria Weineck
New Essay by Alan Wald
Natalie Zemon Davis and Elizabeth Douvan’s Operation Mind is a body of evidence, a prophetic warning, and a call to action about the urgency of doing all we can to prevent thought control in America. In 1952, their meticulously researched pamphlet documented the House Committee on Un-American Activities’ attacks and impact. The HUAC abused its charge to intimidate and silence academics, union members, social critics, scientists, artists, teachers, political opponents, rabbis and other religious leaders, to make them appear suspect and “un-American” in the eyes of the American people.
The 2025 reprint of Operation Mind offers a foreword by Silke-Maria Weineck, a 2023 introduction to the text by Natalie Zemon Davis, and a 2025 essay by historian Alan Wald connecting Operation Mind’s history of McCarthyism with present-day attacks on academic freedom.
Operation Mind is not yet available but is expected to be published in May 2025. Please write to us at [email protected] and we will keep you updated.